Each post will be on a specific site and will contain images along with commentary on its historical, biblical, and personal significance illustrating why it was a "highlight" for me.

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Next stop Caesarea...

The city was founded by Herod the Great (37-4 BCE) on the site of an ancient fortified town known as Strato's Tower and was renowned for the splendour of its buildings. Dedicating "Caesar"ea to his mentor Caesar Augustus, Herod desired the grandeur of the city to shine all the way to Rome. Josephus in his War (1:408-15) and Antiquities (15:331-41) marvels at Herod's constructions which include: its size, a nine mile long limestone aqueduct, a grid street pattern, a temple dedicated to Caesar, a palace, a theatre, and an amphitheatre all completed in 12 years (22-10 BCE). After the Romans assumed direct control of the Levant in 6 CE, Caesarea became the capital.

View from the top corner of the amphitheatre 

Cornelius, a centurion of the Roman garrison became the first Gentile convert and was baptized by Peter in Caesarea (Acts 10).


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