Each post will be on a specific site and will contain images along with commentary on its historical, biblical, and personal significance illustrating why it was a "highlight" for me.

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Mount Carmel

Next stop Mount Carmel...
View from on top of Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel was known in Egyptian texts as the "Holy Headland" and this tradition of sanctity started by the Phoenicians proved to be its most dominant and enduring characteristic. Throughout history Mount Carmel was called the holy of mountain of many gods (ex. the holy mountain of Zeus). From remote antiquity Baal-Adonis was worshipped at Mount Carmel, but eventually began to be replaced by the prophet Elijah and is venerated by both Christians and Jews (Islam shares the same respect).

Statute of Elijah at the Carmelite Monastery 

Mount Carmel is the place where the prophet Elijah challenged and defeated the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal turning the hearts of the people back to YHWH (1 Kings 18).

A short lecture by Dr. Boda on top of Mount Carmel discussing its relationship and significance to the Levant and 1 Kings 16-18.
Dr. Boda is a Professor of Old Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario.


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